Series Short-term storage
fielddefinition.productarea.model.name CABINET4ST
fielddefinition.productarea.esdvolumestring.name 1010 liter
External dimensions External dimensions (whd) : 1410x1920x680 mm
Internal dimemsions Internal dimensions (whd) : 1280x1520x520 mm
RH Precision sensor, accuracy +/- 0.8% RH, +/- 0.1K
Includes Full graphical touch screen display, ESD safe design, ESD color RAL7016, quipped with 4 pcs of ESD wheels, Number of shelves: 10 pcs, ESD safe, Acoustic alarm for open door, time defined by user, Internal memory and USB connector for report recording, time period defined by user, Recording of every door opening including duration, Password protection for process parameter setup, Alarm for drying function error

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