Repair/Remove - Humiseal
To reduce the need to chemically remove (Stripper) cured coating when repairing PCB, a Powder Abrasion system can be used.
Powder Abrasion system is a mechanical method where fine powder is sprayed at high pressure through a narrow nozzle. The precision is high, which means that coating can be removed from a small limited area on the PCB, for example around a specific component.
The powder is made from wheat starch which is non toxic and is a water-soluble product.
The Abrasion powder and the pressure in the machine are adapted to only remove the conformal coating, ie. the method does not cause damage to either components or the PCB.
The equipment is placed on the work bench and connected with mains voltage and compressed air. Built-in is both white and UV light, a container where removed coating collects and an ionizer to eliminate any potential ESD damages.