
June Electronics talks about their successful investment in Europlacer and its advantages!

June Electronics is located in Jönköping, Sweden, and has extensive experience in circuit board manufacturing and assembly.

Already in 1998, they invested in their first Europlacer "EP6000" which is still in use. 10 years later they invested in the first iineo+ II and in the fall of 2022 they invested in another iineo+ II to meet the strong increased demand.

We met Peter Marklund, owner and CEO of June Electronics, who explained why they had chosen Europlacer and what advantages they had seen with their machines.

"We produce many short series where simple and short changeovers are important to us. Another advantage is the flexibility of the machine in which we can produce both large and small series and that everything is compatible. It still happens that we use the EP6000 from 1998 and can use the same carts and feeders in all machines which makes it easier for us for rigging. In addition, Europlacer's feeder capacity and footprint are hard to beat, which is also an advantage for us with limited space inside SMT."

Thank you June Electronics for a long and successful cooperation!

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